Wednesday, January 29, 2020

NaCl solutions Essay Example for Free

NaCl solutions Essay The different concentrations of NaCl solutions led to the net movement of water molecules in the samples through osmosis. The samples soaked in higher NaCl concentrations, 0. 75 M and 1 M, slightly increased in mass due to less absorption of water. Samples soaked in less NaCl concentrations, on the other hand, became bulky due to considerably high absorption of water. As discussed by Bowen (2000), water molecules flow from the solution with low solute concentration to the part with higher concentration of the solute. Thus, there was a higher net water movement towards the fruit in solutions with low NaCl concentrations than in solutions with high NaCl concentrations. Therefore, water flows in response to the differences in molarity across a samples’ membrane. When sufficient water molecules moved to equalize the NaCl concentration on both sides of the membrane, equilibrium is reached and the net flow of water ceases. The Effect of Solute Concentration on Plant Cells The process of substance’s diffusion across the cell membrane is called osmosis. Osmosis is important to plants because low water content in their cells causes withering. This happens when water moves out of the cells by osmosis. Without enough water there is little pressure inside the cells (turgor pressure) through the vacuoles, thus, the plant sags. By, watering the plant, its cells become engorged with water, giving a firmer body for the plants. The Effect of Solute Concentrations on Red Blood Cells When red blood cells were placed in distilled water, it rapidly absorbed water until it bursts (plasmolysis), hence, cloudy appearance was observed. The distilled water represented hypotonic solution, hence, its molecules moved into the cells. This is the reason why plasma, the liquid portion of our blood is made of water with dissolved salts and proteins to prevent the unnecessary gain or loss of water by our blood cells. Discussion and Conclusions Diffusion in a Solid and in a Liquid Based on the results of this experiment, the rate of diffusion of solid particles is affected by its molecular weight. Since methylene blue has a higher molecular weight than KMnO4, it diffused slowly. The medium on which the particles diffuses, also affect the rate of diffusion. Liquid medium favors diffusion more than hardly vibrating solid particles. This is the reason why KMnO4 diffuses faster in liquid medium than in agar. Moreover, the temperature which denotes kinetic energy of the particles affects the particle movement. Particles in high temperatures or with high kinetic energy, move and diffuse faster that particles in low temperature. The Effect of Solute Concentration on Plant and Animal Cells The net movement of materials in and out of the cell is affected by the concentration of the solute. Based on concentration gradient, water flows from area of low solute concentration to region of high solute concentration. Thus, when the plant cells were exposed to a solution of low solute concentration (hypotonic), water flowed into the cell. The swelling of elodea plant in distilled water is an indication of the high solute concentration in its cells. Meanwhile, the cloudy appearance of the red blood cells in distilled water indicates plasmolysis or bursting due to the excessive absorption of water. The cell membrane protected the plant cells from bursting. References All About Agar. (n. d. ). Science Buddies. Org. Retrieved October 30, 2008, from http://www.sciencebuddies. org/mentoring/project_ideas/MicroBio_Agar. shtml Bowen, R. A. (2000). Osmosis. Retrieved October 30, 2008, from http://arbl. cvmbs. colostate. edu/hbooks/cmb/cells/pmemb/osmosis. html McCandless, Jr. J. R. (1997). Diffusion, Osmosis and Cell Membranes. Science Education Connection. Retrieved October 30, 2008, from http://biology. arizona. edu/sciconn/lessons/mccandless/reading. html Senese, F. (2007). Matter. General Chemistry Online. Retrieved October 30, 2008, from http://antoine. frostburg. edu/chem/senese/101/matter/index. shtml

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Online Shopping: Product Availability and Logistics Essay -- The Logis

Table of Contents Introduction 1 Online shops, Logistics and the Last Mile Problem 3 The E-Commerce Platform’s Accessibility and Availability 6 Efficient Customer Response and Quick Response 8 Conclusion 10 References 11 Introduction Online shops are an alternative to traditional shopping methods, but do they solve product availability issues in a viable way, and are traditional shopping methods preferred over online shopping? Morris, B (2013) points out that more consumers prefer online shopping as 70 % of 3,000 online shoppers surveyed in February 2013 in a study performed by the United Parcel Service Inc. (UPS) say they would rather shop their favorite retailer online. This can only lead us to understand that a relatively large number of customers choose to satisfy their needs in an online platform. At first sight, it might be possible to speculate and assume that the reasons many of these customers choose to follow this path derives from qualities that include but are not limited to the ease-of-use, reliability, platform availability and accessibility as e-commerce platforms are accessible and available round the year, only as long as access to the internet is on hand (Gao, N.A.). It is accurate to pry into these qualities and strive in the possible relationship they might have with a term such as customer satisfaction, which could be prematurely answered if the fact that such terms describe the benefits online platforms have. As opposed to those found within traditional shopping methods. Moreover, Morris, B. (2013) showed that UPS (a logistics and package delivery company) had a positive overall customer satisfaction score of 83% which not only explains why the â€Å"back-end of the online shopping experi... [Accessed April 29, 2014]. 6. Gao, J. (N.A.) â€Å"Introduction to E-Commerce† Computer, College of engineering ISE, Information & Systems Engineering, San Jose State University. [Accesed April 29, 2014] 7. The World Bank. (2013). â€Å"Internet Users (per 100 people). [Accesed April 29, 2014]. 8. Price Waterhouse Coopers. (2012). â€Å"10 myths of multichannel retailing†. [Accesed April 29, 2014]. 9. Weinstein, R. (2005) â€Å"RFID: A Technical Overview and its Application to Enterprise† the IEEE Computer Society, IT Pro. [accessed April 29, 2014].

Monday, January 13, 2020

Bertrand and Cournot Competition Comparison

Within the realm of industrial economics, a central focus is on equilibrium in oligopoly models, and the questions arise of how the firms would find the equilibrium and whether they will choose it. The efforts of this essay are devoted to a discussion of Court and Bertrand models of competition, two fundamental single-period models that form the basis for multi-period models (Friedman, 1977).Firstly the essay will give an introduction to the properties of the Court and Bertrand models of intention and examine their implications to the relationship between structure and performance. Then it will theoretically address the question that when and how we can choose either of these two models to better describe a market, and empirically distinguish between two models by giving example industries that behave according to each. Finally the essay will draw a conclusion.Oligopoly theory abstracts from the complexity of real-life corporate strategy, and concentrates on Just one or two strategic variables (Davies et al, 1991). Court (1838) takes the view tat the firm ¤ass strategic variable is squatty or output. In contrast, Bertrand (1883) takes the view that the firm ¤ass basic strategic variable is price. In order to capture the distinction between the Court and Bertrand framework, we will consider the simplest case of homogeneous products.First, given positive market share, firms in Court market have the market power to price higher than their marginal costs. Second, the market power of a firm is limited by the market elasticity of demand. The more elastic demand, the lower the price-cost margin. Furthermore, given that all the firms are price takers, firms with lower marginal cost will have greater markets shares. Then what is the implication for the relationship between structure and performance guarding the industry as a whole?Turning to this aspect, summing the average price-cost margin follows summing individuals firms over all n firms weighting each firm ¤a ss margin by its share of the market, Where H denote Heralding index, which is one of the most widely accepted measures of concentration. If we use concentration as the measure of industry structure and price-cost margin as the measure of performance, we can see that in Court competition, the less elastic is demand, and the larger is the Heralding index, the greater aggregate margin in the Court Nash equilibrium.Also, the market power (Unmans, 1962)), this indicates the importance of barriers to entry. In 1883, Bertrand criticized Court ¤ass work on several counts. One of these was that if the strategic variable is price rather than quantity, Court ¤ass logic results in an entirely different outcome (Friedman, 1977). In the Bertrand framework each firm directly controls the price at which it sells it output, and the demand for its output will depend on the price set by each firm 3 and the amount that they wish to sell at that price.This model is driven by the assumption that the firm that charges the lowest price can capture marginal cost in the market, it can charges a price I pi? ±ii = I pi? ±ii pi? ±ii pi? ±ii pi? ±0  ¤00 I poi pipe, where c] is the marginal cost the entire market (Walden and Jensen, 2001). Given this assumption, if firm I has the lowest of the firm that has the second lowest marginal cost in the industry, and I poi pipe represents a number that is infinitesimally greater than O. Then firm I will capture the entire market.In the case that each firm face an identical marginal cost, each firm will set its rice pi equal the marginal cost, and yields a competitive equilibrium. The discussion about Bertrand framework tells a very different story of the relationship between structure, conduct, and performance from the Court-Nash equilibrium. First, only the most efficient firm will survive the competition and become the monopolist, the other firms will exit the market. Second, if all firms face the identical marginal cost, with tw o or more firms the competitive outcome occurs, large numbers (which is the case in Court competition) are not necessary.Clearly, there is a big difference whether the strategic variable is price or quantity. Therefore, what criteria do we have for choosing between Court or Bertrand model to describe a market? A common argument for the Court model is more appropriate is that it captures the intuition that competition decreases with fewer firms, while the prediction of the Bertrand model  ¤00 a zero price-cost margin with two or more firms, or only one firm exists as the monopolist  ¤00 is implausible.In the world, examples like many consumer goods markets have shown that it is hard to find all consumers want to buy from the firm charging the lowest price, and small price hangs by a firm lead to small changes in its sales and in the sales of its rivals (Friedman, 1977). Also, it is often argued that the choice of Court and Bertrand lies in the relative flexibility of prices and o utput. In the Court framework, once chosen, outputs are fixed, while the price is flexible.In the Bertrand framework, however, firms set prices while output is 4 quantities (Davies et al, 1991), and therefore the Court framework is preferred to the Bertrand framework. An influential work coloring this view is Krebs and Chainman (1983). In their two-stage model, firms choose capacities in the first tags, and compete with price as in the Bertrand model up to the capacity chosen in the first stage. The resultant equilibrium turns out to be equivalent to the standard Court model.There do have some industries where firm ¤ass behavior is consistent with the intuition of Bertrand model. In the American airline industry, many major carriers follow a policy of pricing near marginal cost on routes on which it faces competition (Walden and Jensen, 2001). They fear that if their fares are even slightly higher than the competitor, they will lose virtually the entire market share. However, Bran der and Ghana (1990) also found evidence that the pricing behavior of American Airlines and United Airlines between 1984 and 1988 were close to the Court model ¤ass prediction.In addition, Await (1974) found that in the Japanese flat-glass industry the two duopolistic behave according the the Court competition. In conclusion, this essay has compared and contrasted the main properties of Court and Bertrand models of competition, clearly the two models tell completely different stories of oligopolies competition as well as the relationship between structure and performance. The essay has also discussed when and which of the two oodles are expected to be better describe a market, both theoretically and with empirical examples.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Paper on Freedom for the Thought That We Hate - 825 Words

Paper on Freedom for the Thought that we Hate In the book Freedom for the Thought that we Hate, author Anthony Lewis takes a simply phrased law, the First Amendment and shows how complex freedom of speech really is once put into the real world of freedom, as we know it. He shows through his rejections of absolutism, strong support towards freedom restriction, and objective analysis of Chief Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, that the United States press is unlike any other in the world. Lewis rejects the First Amendment absolutism when discussing his argument about shield laws. As discussed in the book, a shield law is legislation designed to allow news reporters the right to refuse to testify to information or give up their sources of†¦show more content†¦Lewis states that this case â€Å"revolutionized the law of libel in the United States† he explains that â€Å"The old common law doctrine putting the burden on libel defendants to prove truth was reversed.† (Lewis, Pg.55) This case even resulted in affecting the law in other countries, I agree that it was the right approach to create the three laws of libel. I feel that Lewis does a great job writing this case objectively yet still allowing his readers to come to the same conclusion he does, the case was handled properly by the Supreme Court in their ending deciscion. After reading Freedom for the Thought That We Hate, I personally have become to consider Oliver Wendell Holmes a First Amen dment hero. There are two cases the Lewis describes from the book where I really feel Holmes made an impact on free speech as it is today, Abrams vs. United States and Schenck vs. United States. In the case of Abrams vs. United States, four radicals threw leaflets from the top of a New York building urging a general strike in protest against Woodrow Wilsons decision to send American troops into Russia. They were charged for â€Å"attempt to hurt the war against Germany,† and all four were convicted. Holmes made a powerful argument he said that â€Å"to punish speech that produces and is intended to produce a clear and imminent danger that will bring about forthwith certain substantive evils.† (Lewis,Show MoreRelatedSpeech On Freedom Of Speech1484 Words   |  6 Pages Abby Koopmann Ethics Freedom of Speech Professor Hunt Culver Stockton College Freedom of Speech Americans have many freedoms that people in other countries can only wish they had. 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